Home / Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition that produces excessive blushing and redness of the nose, cheeks and chin areas of the face. Luckily there is a fast, simple, safe and cost effective solution to eliminate unwanted redness and patchy skin with Rosacea Treatments at Skin Nurture Clinic. The non-invasive technology uses multiple wavelengths of light to treat the dilated blood vessels (reason for Rosacea in the first place)on the affected areas of the face. Effectively, they absorb the light emitted onto it to destroy the particles that display facial redness.

Rosacea has periods of flares and remission, and although there is no known permanent cure – the condition can definitely be contained and managed by our trained clinical therapists. Regular ongoing treatments at Skin Nurture Clinic will ensure your symptoms are kept under control.


Rosacea, Facial Redness, Red patches, skin inflammation and skin flushing


Palomar IPL- Intense Pulse Light


Diminish and even eliminate Rosacea and facial redness like magic – with Intense Pulse Light (IPL). Reduce inflammation and overall red patches

Treatment Intervals

4 - 6 Treatments, 4 to 6 weeks apart.

Treatment Time

20 to 30 minutes

Recovery Time

There may be slight redness for 1-2 days. Following this, redness will subside, and your healthy complexion will shine through.


  • Reduced overall facial redness
  • Reduce skin flushing
  • Reduce skin inflammation
  • Minimal recovery time
  • 100% chemical and drug-free
  • Resume normal activities immediately
  • Ultimately eliminates or minimises appearance of Rosacea

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